
Signs and symptoms

What are varicoceles?

A varicocele is an enlargement of veins within the scrotum (the loose pouch of skin that holds the testicles). Veins contain one-way valves that allow blood to flow from the testicles and scrotum back to the heart. When the valves do not work, the blood pools in the veins. Pooling of blood in these veins causes them to enlarge. The internal pressure and temperature may increase, possibly damaging the testicles and decreasing fertility. An interventional radiologist can diagnose varicoceles by physical examination as well as ultrasound examination.

What are the symptoms of varicoceles?

  • Dull and aching pain in the scrotum
  • Pain that increases when standing and decreases when laying down
  • Testicles that may have shrunk in size
  • Scrotum that feels like a bag of worms
  • Fertility problems, including low sperm count and decreased sperm motility
IR treatment options

How do IRs treat varicoceles?

IRs treat this condition through a minimally invasive varicocele embolization. 

The treatment is performed with IV sedation and local anesthesia, so you will be awake throughout the procedure but relaxed and pain-free in a twilight state. 

During varicocele embolization, a tiny incision is made in the groin to access the femoral vein, typically on the right side. Using imaging guidance, the interventional radiologist directs a thin catheter and wire into the affected vein. After locating the varicoceles, the interventional radiologist injects tiny coils and/or a sclerosant to eliminate the abnormal blood flow to the varicoceles, reducing the pressure in the veins without the need for surgery.

Varicocele embolization is a safe, effective option for those who wish to avoid surgery or those who wish to have a faster recovery time.

Varicocele Embolization with body
Follow up and recovery

What is the treatment’s recovery like?

Due to the minimally invasive nature of the treatments performed by interventional radiologists, the recovery time is often brief but varies with the individual patient’s needs. You can usually walk around 2–3 hours after varicocele treatment. You should be able to go home the same day and resume normal activities, with the exception of heavy lifting or strenuous exercise, which may be resumed after about a week.

You’ll follow up with the interventional radiologist and your urologist a few weeks later.

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Last review

Reviewed by Andrew J. Gunn, MD, FSIR, September 2024.