About the program

  • The independent IR residency launched July 1, 2020.
  • This residency is 2 years in length (total of 7 years of postgraduate training).
  • This training format is only available to graduates of a diagnostic radiology residency.  

Diagnostic radiology residents who want to train in an independent IR residency apply during their R3 (PGY-4) year via the ERAS ACGME/RCPS/UCNS Fellowship December cycle and NRMP Radiology Fellowship Match. (ERAS and NRMP classify the independent IR residency as a fellowship for match purposes)

The NRMP Radiology Fellowship Match Day typically occurs in June for positions that start in July of the following year (PGY-6).

Exam information

Graduates of the independent IR residency qualify to take the IR/DR examination offered by the American Board of Radiology (ABR). The IR/DR certificate recognizes competency in both diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology. 

ACGME accredited

Current independent IR residency programs

ACGME code & program name

January 30, 2024.  Currently 91 institutions are ACGME-accredited of their independent IR residency programs. New programs are highlighted.