Fellowship requirements

Based on outstanding credentials, achievements and community contributions to interventional radiology and SIR and SIR Foundation, those who are elected to fellowship signal to peers and patients their commitment to quality IR care through the use of the FSIR designation. 

  • FSIR candidates shall have been a member or associate member in good standing of the society for at least 8 contiguous years.
  • The candidate shall have made a significant contribution to the field of interventional radiology, as well as contribution(s) to the Society, as determined by the policy set forth by the Fellows’ Affairs Committee. When evaluating candidates for fellowship, the Fellows’ Affairs Committee shall review the totality of the candidate's contributions on behalf of interventional radiology and the society. Fellowship shall be awarded based on a long and consistent history of activities.
  • Individuals practicing outside of the United States shall have the option of applying for the FSIR designation under either the member or international associate categories.

As outlined in the Society of Interventional Radiology Bylaws, the FSIR designation shall be granted to members of the Society who have made a significant contribution(s) to the field of interventional radiology and to the society. There will be no limit on the number of those with the FSIR designation. 

SIR Fellows at the Annual Meeting

Application materials

  • Completed and submitted online application (applicants will be able to save their progress and will be able to review the application before submitting.)
  • A copy of your CV 
  • A cover letter that includes documentation supporting and highlighting the criteria that you are applying under along with your accomplishments in IR and contributions to the society
  • Photocopy of your board certificate or equivalent certification
  • Two letters of recommendation from current FSIRs

To be considered for induction at the Annual SIR Fellows' Business Meeting and dinner, all applications and supporting documents must be submitted by Dec. 31 of the calendar year prior to the meeting.

*In order to avoid delays in the review process, consider submitting your application earlier in the year. This helps the committee review applications in a timely manner.

Providing a letter of recommendation

The letters of  recommendation are a very important component of the fellowship candidate’s nomination package. As a general rule, more weight will be given to letters that provide substantial information as opposed to brief or pro-forma letters. Sponsors should be encouraged to provide detail in their letters of the candidate's accomplishments. 

Congratulations to the FSIR Class

SIR Fellowship represents members who have demonstrated excellence in interventional radiology by virtue of research and published works, teaching, and leadership within the field of interventional radiology, along with significant contributions and sustained involvement within the society.

SIR Fellows


Aaron R. Brandis, MD, FSIR
Atlantic Medical Imaging, Galloway, NJ

Aaron Kyle Jones, PhD, FSIR                    
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Adam N. Plotnik, MD, FSIR                      
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

Almamoon I. Justaniah, MD, FSIR            
King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Andrew John Gunn, MD, FSIR                   
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL

Aparna Annam, DO, FSIR                         
Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO

Avnesh S. Thakor, MD, FSIR                     
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

Charles Gilliland, MD, FSIR                      
Summit Radiology, Cartersville, GA

Christopher J. Grilli, DO, FSIR                  
Christiana Care, Newark, NJ

David H. Field, MD, FSIR                          
MedStar Georgetown University, Washington, DC

Eric J. Monroe, MD, FSIR
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Gaby E. Gabriel, MD, FSIR
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Govindarajan Narayanan, MD, FSIR        
Baptist Health of South Florida, Miami, FL

Guillermo Gonzalez-Araiza, MD, FSIR      
West County Radiological Group, Saint Louis, MO

Jack W. Jennings, MD, PhD, FSIR             
Washington University, Saint Louis, MO

Jason T. Salsamendi, MD, FSIR
City of Hope National Medical Center, Irvine, CA

Joshua D. Kuban, MD, FSIR                      
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Keith Pereira, MD, FSIR
Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO

Kumar Madassery, MD, FSIR
Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL 

Luke E. Sewall, MD, FSIR
VIRchicago.com, Chicago, IL

Mark O. Baerlocher, MD, FSIR
Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Michael Neuwirth, MD, FSIR
Progressive Physician Associates, Bethlehem, PA

Murthy Chennapragada, MD, FSIR
Sydney Children’s Hospital, Sydney, Australia

Miyuki Sone, MD, FSIR
National Cancer Center Hospital

Noor Ahmad, MD, FSIR
Columbia University, New York, NY

Osman Ahmed, MD, FSIR                        
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Parag M. Amin, MD, FSIR                         
Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, FL

Rahul A. Sheth, MD, FSIR                         
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Robert J. Kennedy, MD, FSIR                   
Interventional & Vascular Center, Melbourne, FL

Robert P. Liddell, MD, FSIR
John’s Hopkins, Baltimore, MD

Seetharam C. Chadalavada, MD, FSIR     
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Seth J. Berkowitz, MD, FSIR                     
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA

Steven M. Yevich, MD, MPH, FSIR
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Thomas D. Atwell, MD, FSIR                    
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Zachary L. Bercu, MD, FSIR
Emory University, Atlanta, GA


Allan I. Hoffman, MD, FSIR
Commonwealth Radiology Associates, Andover, MA

Barbara N. Hamilton, MD, FSIR
Desert Regional Medical Center, Palm Springs, CA

Dayantha M. Fernando, II, MD, FSIR
University of California Irvine, Orange, CA

Derrick R. Siebert, MD, FSIR
Aspirus Wausau Hospital, Wausau, WI

Hirschel D. McGinnis, MD, FSIR
Steward Medical Group, Taunton, MA

John M. Gemery, MD, FSIR
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH

Joseph P. Erinjeri, MD, PhD, FSIR
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY

Maria Del Pilar Bayona Molano, MD, FSIR
University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX

Matthew J. Scheidt, MD, FSIR
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

Neil J. Resnick, MD, FSIR
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA

Paul S. Brady, MD, FSIR
Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA

Salomao Faintuch, MD, MS, FSIR
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA

Steven Y. Huang, MD, FSIR
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Stuart J. Singer, MD, FSIR
Syracuse VAMC, Syracuse, NY

Talia Sasson, MD, FSIR
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

Vijay Ramalingam, MD, FSIR
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA


Amy R. Deipolyi, MD, FSIR
West Virginia University, Charleston, WV

Ari J. Isaacson, MD, FSIR
Prostate Centers USA, Raleigh, NC

Aron M. Devane, MD, FSIR
Prisma Health, Greenville, SC

Beau Toskich, MD, PhD, FSIR
Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL

Chaitanya Ahuja, MD, FSIR
LSU Health Science Center, Shreveport, LA

Curtis L. Anderson, MD, PhD, FSIR
Florida Endovascular & Interventional, Miami Lakes, FL

Driss Raissi, MD, FSIR
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Elsie Koh, MD, FSIR
American Endovascular, New York, NY

Glenn W. Stambo, MD, FSIR
Advent Health, Tampa, FL

Gretchen M. Foltz, MD, FSIR
Washington University, Saint Louis, MO

Hector Ferral, MD, FSIR
LSU, New Orleans, LA

Hyeon Yu, MD, FSIR
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

Matthew K. Walsworth, MD, FSIR
West Los Angeles VA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA

Ricardo Paz-Fumagalli, MD, FSIR
Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL

Rodrick C. Zvavanjanja, MD, FSIR
UT Houston McGovern Medical School, Houston, TX

Sahira Kazanjian, MD, FSIR
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Sameer D. Gadani, MD, FSIR
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH

Shekher Maddineni, MD, FSIR
Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, NY

Srinivas Tummala, MD, FSIR
University of Medical Health System, Miami, FL

Stephen J. Hunt, MD, FSIR 
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Susan Shamimi-Noori, MD, FSIR
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Zachary S. Collins, MD, FSIR
University of Kansas Health System, Kansas City, KS


Raj R. Ayyagari, MD, FSIR
Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn.

Anne Marie Cahill, MD, FSIR
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Matthew R. Callstrom, MD, FSIR
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.

Mary Costantino, MD, FSIR
Advanced Vascular Centers, Portland, Ore.

Donna L. D'Souza, MD, FSIR
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

Stephanie Dybul, MBA, RT, FSIR
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Gail Egan, NP, FSIR
Stanford Health Care, Stanford, Calif.

Fakhir F. Elmasri, MD, FSIR
Radiology and Imaging Specialists, Lakeland, Fla.

Tony Farrell, MD, MBA, FSIR
Evanston Hospital, Evanston, Ill.

Gerard S Goh, MBBS, FSIR
Alfred Health, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Elias S. Hohlastos, MD, FSIR
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago

Kyung Rae Kim, MD, FSIR
UNC Hospitals, Chapel Hill, N.C.

Bela Kis, MD, PhD, FSIR
Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Fla.

Jason R. Levy, MD, FSIR
Northside Radiology Associates, Atlanta

Bill Majdalany, MD, FSIR
Emory University, Atlanta

Mark W. Mewissen, MD, FSIR
St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee

Christopher A. Molvar, MD, FSIR
Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago

Amol Mujoomdar, MD, FSIR
London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON, Canada

Bruno C. Odisio, MD, FSIR
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston

Vivek P. Padha, MD, FSIR
Berkeley Medical Center, Martinsburg, W. Va.

Akash M. Patel, MD, FSIR
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Miss.

Jean-Pierre Pelage, MD, PhD, FSIR
Caen University Medical Center, Caen, France

Brian J. Schiro, MD, FSIR
Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, Miami

Nancy L. Spencer, NP, FSIR
Albany Medical Center, Schenectady, N.Y.

Kathy W. Taylor, NP, FSIR
Mercy San Juan, Carmichael, Calif.

Catherine T. Vu, MD, FSIR
University of California, Davis, Sacramento, Calif.

Micah M. Watts, MD, FSIR
Atlantic Medical Imaging, Haddonfield, N.J.

Dianbo Zhang, MD, PhD, FSIR
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas


Congratulations to the FSIR Class of 2020!

Rakesh K. Varma, M.D., FSIR, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham

Mollie E. Meek, M.D., FSIR, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock

Cheryl H. Hoffman, M.D., FSIR, University of California, Los Angeles, Manhattan BeachKanti P. Kolli, M.D., FSIR, University of California, San Francisco
Vishal Kumar, M.D., FSIR, University of California, San Francisco
Evan D. Lehrman, M.D., FSIR, University of California, San Francisco
R. Peter Lokken, M.D., FSIR, University of California, San Francisco
Jeet Minocha, M.D., FSIR, University of California, San Diego
Rajesh P. Shah, M.D., FSIR, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto
Andrew G. Taylor, M.D., PhD, FSIR, University of California, San Francisco

District of Columbia
Alexander Y. Kim, M.D., FSIR, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Shivank Bhatia, M.D., FSIR, University of Miami, Miami
Warren S. Krackov, M.D., FSIR, Azura Vascular Care, Temple Terrace
Jason W. Mitchell, M.D., FSIR, Capital Regional Medical Center, Tallahassee

C. Matthew Hawkins, M.D., FSIR, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta 

Aneesa S. Majid, M.D., MBA, FSIR, No Limits Radiology PA, Chicago
Rakesh C. Navuluri, M.D., FSIR, University of Chicago, Chicago
Steven M. Zangan, M.D., FSIR, University of Chicago, Chicago

Gloria M. Martinez-Salazar, M.D., FSIR, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston         Ammar Sarwar, M.D., FSIR, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston
Raul N. Uppot, M.D., FSIR, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
Jeffrey L. Weinstein, M.D., FSIR, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston

Naganathan B. Mani, M.D., FSIR, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St. Louis

New York
Jason C. Hoffmann, M.D., FSIR, New York University Winthrop Hospital, Mineola
Stephen P. Reis, M.D., FSIR, Columbia University, New York

North Carolina
Mark L. Lessne, M.D., FSIR, Charlotte Radiology, Charlotte

Indravadan J. Patel, M.D., FSIR, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland

Douglas P. Beall, M.D., FSIR, Summit Medical Center, Edmond

Nikhil B. Amesur, M.D., FSIR, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh
Mandeep Dagli, M.D., FSIR, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Venu Vadlamudi, M.D., FSIR, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis

John W. Thomas, M.D., FSIR, South Texas Radiology Group, San Antonio

Minhajuddin S. Khaja, M.D., FSIR, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville
Luke R. Wilkins, M.D., FSIR, University of Virginia, Charlottesville


Associate International Fellows

Gireesh M. Warawdekar, M.D., FSIR, Lilavati Hospital & Research Center, Mumbai, India