Choose your section

Resident, Fellow and Student Section

For those passionate about the future of IR

RFS promotes the clinical paradigm of IR practice by introducing trainees to the specialty—focused on becoming disease experts and patient centered care.

Talking at the Annual Scientific Meeting
Early Career section

Connect with peers and build your career

ECS gives new IR members a platform where they can develop a knowledge and resource base, network with others, participate in decision-making, and serve as a resource to the SIR Executive Council.


Women in IR Section

Empowerment for women

WIR inspires women interventional radiologists to achieve their personal and professional goal—and to serve as a resource to the SIR Executive Council.


Women in IR
The Association of Program Directors in IR Section

Training the future of IR

APDIR works to stimulate interest and provide guidelines for teaching in cardiovascular and IR—and to address the educational, regulatory and financial issues that affect the future of IR.


Association of Chiefs in IR Section

Educating our chiefs

ACIR is dedicated to the advancement of the art and science of IR as well as teaching how to run an IR section or division.


Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants Section

Working together for good

NP and PA was established within SIR to provide a forum where nurse practitioners and physician assistants can work together to exchange information, education and resources.


Underrepresented Minorities in IR section

Increasing presence. Improving awareness.

URM is an association of people interested in the advancement of the medical field of IR to underrepresented minority communities.


URM section members

Purpose and formation

SIR sections exist to:

  • Provide a forum for the exchange of information between members and the society.
  • Provide a means for the society to utilize the expertise of an identifiable group of members on specific issues.
  • Provide a forum for members with a special interest to speak as a unified group to the leadership of the society.
  • Provide a pathway for professional leadership development within the organization.

Section formation

Sections may be created by the SIR Board of Directors or at the request of membership. To apply for section status, a proposed section must submit documentation containing:

  • Prospective section objectives.
  • Description of the subject area that will be addressed by the section.
  • Description of how the establishment of a section will further the SIR’s ability to meet its mission.
  • Proposed first-year activities. If applicable, justification must be included on why the change in status from a committee to a section is warranted.
Taking a photo at the Annual Meeting

Connect with your peers

SIR Connect is an exclusive, members-only forum for SIR members to connect, ask questions and share resources with one another.