For patients
Interventional radiologists are an integral part of a cancer patient’s care team. IRs who treat cancer, are sometimes called interventional oncologists (IOs). IRs help cancer patients along their entire cancer journey.
Interventional oncology
What is an interventional radiologist’s role in cancer treatment?
Interventional radiologists (IRs) are an integral part of a cancer patient’s care team. Medical oncologists treat cancer with medications, while surgical oncologists remove cancer surgically. Alternatively, IRs treat or kill cancer with minimally invasive therapies. IRs who treat cancer, are sometimes called interventional oncologists (IOs). IRs help cancer patients along their entire cancer journey.
IRs play a key role in the initial evaluation and diagnosis of cancer by performing percutaneous biopsies. A percutaneous biopsy is done by placing a small needle into the skin, under anesthesia, and using imaging as a way to guide the IR to the tumor safely. Patients leave with a small Band-Aid rather than a large incision.
Biopsies are a common way to acquire a sample of tumor tissue to not only determine the type of cancer but also to see if there are certain elements unique to your tumor that can be helpful to guide specific treatments.

IRs perform a variety of treatments intended to cure patients of their cancer. The most common types of curative therapies are ablation and embolization.
Ablation, is when tumors are destroyed by directly delivering very hot or very cold temperatures into the tumor to kill the cells.
Embolization, is when tumor-killing therapies are injected into the blood vessels going to those tumors causing tumor death.
Treating cancer symptoms
For patients with advanced cancer, interventional radiology has a broad and effective toolkit for addressing symptoms caused by cancer, including pain. This includes procedures such as cement augmentation to strengthen bones weakened by tumors and neurolysis to quieten nerves inflamed by cancer.
What makes interventional radiology unique?
IRs use real-time imaging to perform minimally invasive procedures that can be done on an outpatient basis. These procedures can have less pain and recovery time than surgical or systemic treatments. IRs treatments can be used as first-line therapy, used when surgery isn’t an option, or used when other treatments have not worked.
What types of cancer do interventional radiologists treat?
IRs treat patients across the entire cancer spectrum. The treatments offered by IRs are not limited to any specific type of cancer. Some of the most common cancers treated by IRs include the following:
- Liver cancer
- Metastatic colorectal cancer
- Lung cancer
- Primary and metastatic bone cancer
- Renal cancer
- Breast cancer
- Prostate cancer
- Neuroendocrine cancer
- Pediatric cancers
What is the interventional radiologist’s role in the treatment of cancer?
Interventional radiologists are key members of your cancer care team and may be involved in multiple stages from diagnosis to treatment to pain management.
IRs can treat cancer without having to undergo surgery or systemic therapy, minimizing the recovery time and effect on other parts of the body. IRs offer several kinds of minimally invasive treatment options that are can be used to treat primary cancer or tumors that have metastasized (spread) from other areas in the body. Some treatments may not be appropriate for all cancer types, so please consult with your care team to determine the treatment right for you.

Minimally invasive options
IRs can treat cancer without having to undergo surgery or systemic therapy, minimizing the recovery time and effect on other parts of the body. IRs offer several kinds of minimally invasive treatment options that are can be used to treat primary cancer or tumors that have metastasized (spread) from other areas in the body. Some treatments may not be appropriate for all cancer types, so please consult with your care team to determine the treatment right for you.
Embolization is a procedure that temporarily or permanently stops blood flow to a tumor. There are three types of cancer-related embolization treatments (chemoembolization, radioembolization and bland embolization), which are most commonly used for the treatment of liver cancer, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). When treating liver cancer, these methods have been proven to successfully downstage cancer and allow a patient to become a candidate for transplant.
Thermal ablation is a medical procedure, which uses temperature, radio waves, radiation or electromagnetic waves to target and destroy abnormal tissue, such as a cancer tumor. This treatment has been used to treat kidney cancer, non-small cell lung cancer and breast cancer. This is also a common method for treating cancer in patients who are not otherwise candidates for surgery or who did not respond well to other treatments. A recent study shows that thermal ablation may also be an effective treatment for colorectal liver metastases.
Embolization types
Chemoembolization (also called transarterial chemoembolization or TACE) is a minimally invasive treatment for liver cancer. Using real-time imaging an IR first places a small catheter in the femoral or radial artery. They will then direct and move the catheter towards the liver arteries supplying the tumor. When the IR finds the precise artery, they will deliver a chemotherapy agent to the tumor which then stops the blood supply to the tumor causing the tumor cells to die.
Radioembolization, or selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) or transarterial radioembolization (TARE), is a treatment used to destroy tumors. The doctor makes a tiny cut in the skin and inserts a catheter (a thin, flexible tube) into the femoral or radial artery (the large artery of the leg or wrist). The catheter is then maneuvered into place, guided by live X-rays.
Once at the tumor site, the doctor injects the radioactive beads into the blood vessels that supply the tumor. The beads give off radiation over a very short distance, which concentrates the radiation inside the tumor, helping to reduce radiation exposure to the rest of the body. This treatment may also be referred to as Y-90 because it commonly uses a radioactive isotope called yttrium-90.
Bland embolization
Bland embolization deploys the same techniques as above, but without radiation or chemotherapy drugs included in the embolization medium. This approach is frequently used to treat neuroendocrine tumors, which can affect the gastrointestinal system, the kidneys, the pancreas or the lungs, among other organs.
Thermal ablation types
Cryoablation destroys cancer cells by emitting extremely cold temperatures at the location of the tumor.
Irreversible electroporation
Irreversible electroporation is the newest form of ablation technique that uses electromagnetic waves to destroy cancer cells.
Microwave ablation
Microwave ablation uses electromagnetic waves to destroy a tumor. The tumor is localized via image guidance and then a thin microwave antenna is placed directly into the tumor. A microwave generator emits an electromagnetic wave through the antenna and these waves agitate water molecules in the surrounding tissue. The friction and heat generated by this action cases cell death helping to destroy the tumor.
Radiofrequency ablation
Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) uses radio waves to create heat and damage tissue. RFA is used to decrease pain by damaging pain-sensing nerves or to treat cancer by damaging tumor cells. A probe is placed into the target tissue where they emit an electrical current to transmit radio waves to the surrounding tissue, which heats up causing cells to die.
Transurethral ultrasound ablation
MRI-guided transurethral ultrasound ablation (TULSA) is a minimally invasive procedure for prostate cancer. In this treatment, an IR inserts a small catheter-like device through the urethra into the prostate. Once there, MRI is used to guide precise positioning of 10 therapeutic ultrasound elements into the prostate. MR thermometry is used to monitor the tissue while heating to more than 55 degrees within the prostate and limiting heat to the sensitive nerves surrounding the prostate as the device rotates around the entire gland. The procedure can be performed in an outpatient or in-patient facility under general or spinal anesthesia in 2–3 hours. This image-guided therapy maximizes our ability to kill cancer cells while minimizing collateral damage to the prostate to achieve the ultimate trifecta in prostate cancer treatment: full local cancer control while maintaining urinary continence and potency. The latter are the complications of most prostate cancer therapies that patients hate and often result from a lack of precision in treatment monitoring.

How can IR help manage cancer-related pain?
How can IR help manage cancer-related pain
Control of pain is one of the most important aspects of cancer care. Pain not only affects patients’ quality of life and ability to function, but it may also lower their tolerance for needed cancer treatments.
In many cancer patients, pain results from the spread of the tumor into surrounding nerves and other tissues. To treat the pain, interventional radiologists insert catheters or needles into the affected area and apply techniques to destroy the nerves causing the pain.
A particularly painful complication of cancer is when the disease spreads (metastasizes) to bones. In patients with cancer that has spread to their bones and is causing constant pain that has not improved with medication, different interventions can be used to improve symptoms.
Epidural steroid injection
Inserting a needle into the soft tissue around the spinal cord or spinal nerves and injecting medications to relieve pain.
Targeted drug delivery
Placing a catheter into the spinal fluid and connecting it to a medication pump that delivers pain medication directly to the pain receptors through the spinal fluid; the medication has a far lower dose and is much more effective than oral medication in decreasing pain.
Cement augmentation
Inserting needles into a fracture and injecting cement directly into the bone to stabilize the fracture and allow it to heal.
Using image guidance, an IR applies chemicals or physical agents to disrupt the pain signals damaged nerves send in order to relieve pain. This procedure can be used for nerves that are superficial or deep within the body.
Thermal ablation
Inserting a needle into the tumor located within the bone and delivering energy (heat, cold, or electromagnetic) to both kill tumor cells and reduce inflammation at the root cause of the pain.
Follow up and recovery
Life after treatment
What can patients expect after an IR procedure?
These treatments are well tolerated, and most patients can resume their normal routine the next day, though some may feel tired for a few days to a week after a procedure. Pain for most procedures occurs for the first three days but can last up to a week. Some procedures have minimal or no recovery time such as routine, low risk biopsies. Symptoms and recovery depend heavily on how much tumor is treated at a time and the type of therapy used. Fatigue, nausea, or pain can be expected in varying degrees depending on the patient, therapy, and cancer treated. Speak to your doctor about the risks unique to you.
After treatment, you will follow up routinely with your oncologist and interventional radiologist. These follow-up appointments may include blood tests and scans to see if there are leftover or new tumor cells and to assess your overall health. Imaging in the form of CT or MRI will be performed at regular intervals based on what type of treatment you received to see how the cancer has responded to therapy. IR oncology treatments can be repeated if necessary and combined with other treatments to improve results.
Interventional oncologists are available nationwide. Find a physician near you.
Reviewed by Interventional Oncology Clinical Specialty Council, September 2024.