Celebrate SIR's 50th Anniversary with JVIR
The March 2025 JVIR features a special section of invited commentaries reflecting on the evolution of the journal, the society, and the specialty itself.
The March 2025 JVIR features a special section of invited commentaries reflecting on the evolution of the journal, the society, and the specialty itself.
The special issue features an introduction by Editor-in-chief Daniel Y. Sze, MD, PhD, FSIR; the commentary "When Dinosaurs Roamed the IRth" by David Sacks, MD, FSIR; reminiscences by each past JVIR editor-in-chief; a paper on the evolving balance between innovation and evidence, and much more.
The issue also features new research (highlighted below) and an In Memoriam for Andrew B. Crummy, MD, FSIR